How do I upload an expense note?
It is very easy to upload a ticket to Expense Control.
First, go to the Sesame app, then to Apps, and access Expense control.
Next, click “Add expense” and upload a picture of the receipt or take one immediately using “Open camera”.
Then, select “Repeat” or “Accept” to view a preview of the receipt and confirm it looks correct or upload it again. Once you have upload the ticket to the platform, it is important to complete the form with the details of the new expense:
- Total amount*
- Company business name*
- Date*
- Payment method
- Category
- Add a comment
- Personal expense
Remember that some fields are mandatory (*). Don’t forget to fill them in; otherwise, you won’t be able to upload your expenses. Once you have checked that everything is complete, click on “Add expense”.
Here you will find a history of all your payments. Please note that you can "Edit" or delete your expenses as long as they are in a "Pending" status. Expenses that have been validated or rejected by the administrator can no longer be edited.