Where can I set up everything related to my company?
The configuration section is the backbone of Sesame. Here you can set up everything related to schedules, holidays, absences, automations… In addition, here you can manage general configuration aspects such as departments, roles or workplaces. Shall we start?
Go to the left bottom and click on “Configuration”, you will be able to:
- Edit general company information and tax information.
- Limit some features.
- Create and assign departments.
- Assign roles and access levels to employees.
- Create general supplements.
- Upload legal documents.
- Create benefits and make advanced configuration settings.
1. General Company Configuration
Company configuration >> Company >> General
In this section, you can upload your company’s logo and customise some features. Additionally, you can enter your desired email for account-related notifications and choose the default language.
Is your staff from multiple countries? Don’t worry! Even if you set a default language for the account, employees will be able to change the language of their profile later on.
2. Tax information
Company configuration >> Company >> Tax information
In this section, you can enter complete and accurate details of your company's essential tax information.
Make sure you have the most up-to-date and accurate information about your company's tax:
- Company name
- Billing email
- Billing address
- Country
- Province
- City
- ZIP Code
- Tax identification code/VAT