Which roles are involved in the Whistleblowing Channel, and how can they be set up?
To understand how the Whistleblowing channel works, it’s key to be clear about the roles involved and the terms we use to refer to them:
- Employees, clients, and providers will be Whistleblowers.
- The person in charge of the report is the System Manager.
As this is a sensitive matter, only the Owner role will be able to install the Whistleblowing Channel and assign the System Manager role in the system. It should be noted that it is not necessary to self-assign the role of System Administrator. On the other hand, only System Managers will view the Whistleblowing Channel in their menu.
To use Sesame's whistleblowing functionality you need to configure the System Manager role. This user will be the one with access to all complaints sent. Follow this route to set up this role:
Configuration >> Company >> Custom roles >> System Manager >> Select employee >> Assign
Assigning this role to someone in your company is the most efficient way to grant confidentiality.
On the other hand, for your employees to be able to see the Whistleblowing Channel in their employee profiles you will need to enable the view as follows:
Whistleblowing channel >> Settings >> General >> Show whistleblowing channel to employees