What does the shift role manager do?
In Sesame there is a specific role for managing shifts. The administrator can designate any employee as a shift manager, regardless of whether he/she has another specific role or not.
With this role, any employee will be able to manage the timetables of the employees assigned to him/her.
How is the shift manager role assigned?
It's very simple! Follow this path:
Configuration >> Custom roles >> Employees in the shift manager role card >> Create shift manager >> Select the employee who will have the role >> Choose the employees whose shifts he/she will coordinate.
By choosing the employees over which a shift manager will coordinate, you will be able to:
- Assign to the entire company
- Select a workplace to be managed
- Select departments
- Select the employees to be managed (The employees displayed do not belong to any selected workplace or department).
Once you have made this choice, you will see a summary of all selected items. When you click "Finish", the pop-up window will close and the screen will display a complete list of all employees with the shift manager role and all elements assigned to coordinate shifts.
Please note that the shift manager has full capacity to act in relation to the shifts assigned to him/her and can perform the same actions as higher roles.