How does Recruitment work?

Plans: HR Starter, HR Professional and HR Enterprise. 

The purpose of the Recruitment functionality is to have all the application processes in Sesame and then to be able to change these candidates to users of the platform. 

When you access it, you will see three subsections within it: 

  • Vacancies: you will be able to create a profile of each of the candidates who enter into a selection process and import documents for this candidate.
  • Candidates: here you can view the details of each participant taking part in the process and filter by type of vacancy.
  • Employment portal: here you can customise the details and personalise your employment portal.
You will be able to create a profile of each of the candidates who enter into a selection process and import documents for this candidate. You can also add an evaluation. From the Vacancies section you can activate the tracking so when you reach a percentage of 75% you will be notified via email or APP notification.