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Clock in/out
Time off
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Document management
Workspace booking
Overtime balance
Whistleblowing channel
Expense control
Two-factor authentication
Salary in Advance
Outlook calendar
Mobile App
Google Calendar
I'm new in Sesame
Company configuration
Employee management
Schedule configuration
Shift and schedule configuration
Clock in/out
Calendar configuration
Device configuration
People Analytics
Tasks and projects
Document management
Internal communication
Workspace booking
Organizational chart
Whistleblowing channel
Advanced signature
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Absences and holidays
Expense control
Overtime management
Salary in advance
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Help Center
I'm new in Sesame
Clock in/out
Time off
Tasks and projects
Document management
Workspace booking
Overtime balance
Whistleblowing channel
Expense control
Two-factor authentication
Salary in Advance
Outlook calendar
Mobile App
Google Calendar
I'm new in Sesame
Company configuration
Employee management
Schedule configuration
Shift and schedule configuration
Clock in/out
Calendar configuration
Device configuration
People Analytics
Tasks and projects
Document management
Internal communication
Workspace booking
Organizational chart
Whistleblowing channel
Advanced signature
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Face ID
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Sesame AI
Absences and holidays
Expense control
Overtime management
Salary in advance
Problems solving
Clock ins/outs
General configuration
Everything you need to know to get the most out of Sesame.
I'm new in Sesame
What is the Dashboard?
How can I create a Sesame account?
I already have an account. What should I do first?
Which plan should I choose?
Can I change my password?
I want to change my subscription, what should I do?
Can I use the same email multiple times?
I have several companies, can I manage them all in Sesame?
How long does it take to set up my account?
My trial has ended. If I switch to a paid account, will my data be lost?
Can I use Sesame on multiple computers?
How does Sesame protect my data?
I registered for a free trial, what happens when it is over?
Do I need to provide a credit card for registration?
I want to unsubscribe, what should I do?
Where can I see the latest news?
How long will it take to activate my account?
How do I install the marketplace tools?
How to activate Add-Ons?
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Company configuration
Where can I set up everything related to my company?
What can I manage from Advanced Configuration?
My company has several departments, how can I add them to my account?
How can I create supplements?
My company has several workplaces, how can I add them to my account?
Can I integrate Sesame with other applications?
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Employee management
What is the Employees section and what is it for?
How do I create users in my Sesame account?
What information is available to consult in the employee's profile?
Can I add several employees at once?
Which information is available on the employee file?
How can I invite employees to Sesame?
Can I delete users from my account?
Can I add employees one by one?
What does it mean to deactivate an employee and how to do it?
What is the bulk upload template for custom field data, and what is it used for?
Who can see employee data?
Is it possible to know in real-time which employees are active?
Instructions for a correct import of employees by bulk load
What are templates?
What are batch actions?
Why are employees not uploaded?
How to filter your employee database?
The bulk upload template contains errors, what should I do?
How to access the import history?
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Schedule configuration
How are schedules configured?
How do I assign schedules to employees?
Can I assign the same schedule to different employees?
What are work breaks?
Do breaks count as working time?
Do my employees have to clock in/out for breaks?
How do I set up breaks?
What type of schedule can I assign to my team?
What types of schedules are available in Sesame?
Are overtime hours registered?
If we have an intensive working day at some point during the year, how can I register it?
What types of working day are available?
What are theoretical, overtime or complementary hours?
What are clock in/out types?
What is overlapping schedules?
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Shift and schedule configuration
What are shift patterns?
What elements influence the creation of shifts?
How to create shifts?
How do I assign shifts?
Can I see the employee's shifts?
Can I assign night shifts?
What happens if a worker has shifts in several workplaces?
How many timetables are available?
What is shift regularity?
Can I include breaks in employee shifts?
How to apply shift patterns?
What is the availability table?
How to assign more than one shift in multiple workplaces?
What are they and how can I add shift restrictions?
Can I delete the shifts of an employee?
How can I access the cost table?
What does the shift role manager do?
Can I count the planned hours of a shift on a public holiday?
Why are the employees not deleted from the Shift Timetable?
Do I have to assign shifts one at a time?
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Clock in/out
Is it mandatory to use geolocation for clocking in/out?
How can I assign a clock in/out?
Is Internet connection required to clock in/out?
How can I assign a clock in/out from the app?
Can I modify users' clock ins/outs?
How can employees clock in/out?
When are clock ins/outs requests generated?
How do I manage clock ins/outs requests?
Where can I see the clock in/out incidents?
Which clock ins/out reports can I download?
Can I see employee clock ins/outs?
Can I find out who is working in real time?
Can employees validate their clock ins/outs?
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Calendar configuration
Can I configure the expiration date of a year's holidays?
How are public holidays worked reflected?
Can holidays be requested by the hour?
Can I see which employees are on holidays?
If holidays haven't been taken, can they be removed from calendars?
How can I create public holidays calendars?
How many public holidays calendars can I create?
How can I create a leave from work?
How can I import public holidays and add them to the calendars I created?
Is it possible to choose when the time off will be activated in the calendar for the following year?
How can I create a holidays calendar?
Is it possible to choose when to activate time off in the calendar for the following year?
How to duplicate a holiday calendar?
How can absences and leaves from work be requested, on a daily or hourly basis?
How to set up holidays in Sesame?
Once I create a time off, what can I do with it?
How to create absences?
Who decides from which calendar days of time off and holidays are used up?
How to set up absences?
Schedules compatible with full-day holidays
What types of work schedules is it not possible to assign half-day weekly holidays (holidays per day) to?
How to set up leaves from work?
Which schedules allow me to assign holidays by hours?
What types of work schedules can be assigned absences by days?
What types of work schedules can be assigned absences by hours?
Can leaves from work be assigned on an hourly basis?
What types of schedules are compatible with the compensation of public holidays worked?
What types of schedules are compatible with unlimited time holidays?
What types of schedules are compatible with holidays due to seniority?
What types of schedules are compatible with holidays set up with maximum time?
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How do I access automations?
What are automations?
What automations can I set up?
What is automatic clock out and how can I set it up?
What's workday round up?
Can I set up an automatic clock out if employees forget to clock out?
What's does "block the ability to clock in" mean?
What does "restrict clock ins/outs by IP" mean?
Which notifications can I automate?
What are automatic validations and how can I set them up?
Which user accesses can I automate?
Can I set up rounding for employee clock ins/outs?
Difference between "When the assigned schedule is completed the system will clock out" according to Schedule or Shift.
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Device configuration
What types of devices can be configured?
Can Sesame be used on multiple devices?
How many devices can I configure?
How can I configure the web panel?
How can I configure a mobile device?
How can I configure a tablet device?
Can I enable and disable clock in/out devices?
Can clock in/out devices be restricted?
How to clock in/out using an URL?
How can I configure clock in/out points?
Can I know what devices my employees are using to clock in and out?
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People Analytics
What does People Analytics offer me over other integrated platforms?
Can I compare data between my companies, workplaces or departments?
What is People Analytics?
How can I get the data provided by People Analytics?
Who has access to People Analytics?
What data can I see with People Analytics?
What does 0 and Empty state mean in the graphs?
What does People Analytics achieve that was previously impossible?
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Tasks and projects
What types of tasks are there?
What is a project?
How do I create a project?
What is a task?
¿Cómo puedes crear y asignar tareas?
What are tags and how are they created?
Can I assign clients to projects?
How to create a client?
Is there any connection between clock ins/outs and tasks?
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How does the "Complete employee information" report work?
How and in what formats can I download the reports?
How many types of reports can you export?
Can I set the reports I use the most as favourites?
What is the attendance report?
What is the gender report?
What is the project profitability report?
What is the summary of holidays and time off and the clock ins/outs history?
What is the overtime balance report?
What does the daily clock ins/outs report show?
What is the report on unexcused absences?
Can I export reports about my employees' tasks and projects?
What is the incomplete data report?
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Document management
What is the document manager and how is it structured?
Can I create more folders?
Who has access to the documents?
How do I upload documents?
Can documents be signed?
How much storage do we have?
Can I upload payrolls to the document manager?
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What is Evaluations and what is it for?
Which types of answers can an evaluation have?
What types of evaluations can I create?
If I create an evaluation from scratch, can I create as many questions as I want?
Who can see the results of an evaluation?
How can I find out who has not replied yet?
How can I see the results of an evaluation?
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How can I create a survey from scratch?
Can I edit the predefined question of the Climate Surveys?
Can I edit the predefined question in eNPS surveys?
Why am I not able to see the timeline of my Climate or eNPS surveys?
Internal communication
What is the goal of internal communication?
What's an announcement?
How to send an announcement?
How can I create an article?
What's an article?
Which roles can see chats?
How can the HR Chat be used?
How to choose the perfect cover for an announcement?
How to choose the perfect cover for an article?
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Workspace booking
How do I use Workspace booking?
Can I set a start and end time when booking a space?
How do I book a new space?
Can I have information about the number of meetings per day?
How do I create a new workspace to be booked?
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How does Recruitment work?
Can I flag a candidate as selected or discarded?
How do I set up the employment portal?
What is the employment portal?
How can I create new candidates?
Can I see the status of the vacancy on my dashboard?
How to create a vacancy?
What can I do on the employment portal?
Can I notify candidates about the progress of the selection process?
Do I have the possibility to preview the offer before publishing it?
How can I streamline processes in my company with Recruitment?
Can I store candidate data?
How many statuses exist for candidates?
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How to mark an onboarding or offboarding process as complete?
Can I see all assigned on/offboardings?
Can a list of tasks be created for an onboarding or offboarding process?
Does any limit exist on the number of onboardings?
How do I create a new template?
What is onboarding/offboarding and what is it used for?
Can I add comments for the team?
How can I assign an onboarding or offboarding process?
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Organizational chart
How do I configure the Organizational Chart?
What is Organizational Chart for?
Can I create evaluations using the organizational chart?
Whistleblowing channel
How can I follow up on my complaint as an employee?
Can complaints be non-anonymous?
How is employee identity preserved?
How do employees see the Whistleblowing channel?
Are whistleblowers in the loop on the status of their complaints?
Can system managers contact whistleblowers?
Where can I see all complaints sent by users?
Can I set up the elements that make up a complaint?
How is the company linked to in-house complaints if the process is anonymous?
Which custom role should I configure?
Is the whistleblowing channel annoymmous?
What's the whistleblowing channel and what is it for?
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Advanced signature
What is the Advanced Signature?
Not able to "view" signatures on a document?
What is the recommended format for documents to use the Advanced Signature?
What is the Advanced Signature for?
Advanced Signature: How can I avoid that date and QTSP logo do not cover relevant data in the document?
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Suggest a feature
Can I send you my suggestions?
Face ID
Which tablets are compatible with Face ID?
1 to 1
What are 1 to 1's for?
How do I schedule 1to1 meetings?
Can I add comments?
Sesame AI
What do I need to do to try Sesame AI?
Does Sesame AI have a trial period?
How interact with the Sesame AI chat?
What can I do with Sesame AI?
What are the prompts?
What are 'My Favourites' for?
Do I have a history of my conversations with Sesame AI?
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How do I assign roles?
What role types are there in Sesame?
Can you have multiple administrators?
What are higher roles?
What are lower roles?
What are custom roles?
How do I create and assign access levels to my employees?
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Absences and holidays
Can supporting documents be added to time off requests?
With which types of schedules can half-day holidays be assigned?
Can time off be edited?
Can I block time off by time range?
What's a paid time off?
What's a cumulative time off?
Will the administrator have two different views or just one for each employee to manage time off and holidays?
Do employees have to request time off and holidays from different paths in Sesame?
What's an absence?
What's a leave from work?
What's a private time off?
Can I limit the maximum time allowed for leaves from work?
How can employees request an absence?
Can employees add comments when requesting an absence?
How do admins assign absences?
Can public holidays worked be compensated with hours?
Time off types
Can I set approval levels for time off and holidays?
Can a holiday request be rejected?
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Expense control
Which roles are involved in Expense control?
Can we give access to external people from the company to manage expenses?
Can I use Expense control without activating virtual cards?
Can I limit the use of my employees' cards? Can I do this depending on the category?
Can comments be made on an expense?
Is it possible to pay with non-euro currencies?
If you make a payment in a non-euro currency: Which conversion is applied?
Can I use Expense control without adding a credit balance to my account?
Can a card be blocked if it is lost or stolen?
Can Sesame cards be used to pay on websites?
Can I re-assign cards or users to other employees?
Do my employees have access to information about available funds when making expenses, or is this information reserved for higher roles only?
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What is the Training functionality?
What data can I enter when creating a training?
How can I assign training courses to my employees?
Is it possible to unassign employees from a training?
How to assign the status of a training for employees?
Can I filter my search for training and employees?
Can I download training reports?
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Overtime management
What is the overtime balance and how It works?
Is it possible to set an expiration date for overtime hours?
How do I set up the overtime balance?
How can I compensate overtime balance?
Can the employees see their overtime balance?
What types of compensation are available?
Can I download a report of the overtime balance?
How to use the overtime balance?
What are the overtime balance rules?
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Salary in advance
Are any fiscal issues to be considered?
Is an additional app required to request a salary in advance?
Which bank account is the salary in advance transferred from?
Which employees have access to Salary in Advance?