What are shared and custom folders?

Custom folders are those that you can adapt to your company’s needs. You may create as many as you want by following this path: 

Documents >> Shared >> Create folder

When creating new custom folders, you can create shared folders for multiple employees or create individual folders that will be displayed in each employee’s profile (multiple folders per employee). When you create multiple folders, you can configure it to be a hidden folder for the employee. The higher roles will see it in the employee's profile, however, the employee will not be aware that this folder exists. 

Keep in mind that you can send one or more documents to the entire company if you click on Assign to the entire company

Before loading documents, it is important that the pertinent folder, where you want to store it, has been created before.

The same document can be sent to the employee you choose through general folders. Once the file is uploaded, it is stored in each employee folder.