The bulk upload template contains errors, what should I do?

Once the bulk upload has finished, you'll see a detailed summary of the errors the system has found in the Excel file.

What can you do next? We give you two options:

  • Reupload: Choose this option to go back and restart the process from scratch. Don’t forget to fix the errors!
  • Skip and continue: Choose this option to upload only the validated information and discard the incorrect data.

If you choose "Skip and continue", you'll be able to download a template with only the erroneous information so you can correct it and upload it again later.
Each time you upload a corrected file, the system will update the information in the "Error" column:
  • If there are still errors, the number will remain red.
  • If there are no longer any errors, the number will turn green.

Additionally, the date in the "Last correction" column will be updated.