What is a Work Climate Survey, and how can I create one?

With Sesame's Work Climate surveys, you can evaluate the emotional state of your employees.

Go to Work Climate and click on "Create work climate survey" to start launching your first questions. By default, you will find a predefined satisfaction question, which you can edit to suit your needs.

For a more exhaustive analysis, from the main view, you will find a climate timeline of your surveys launched in the selected period. As you will see, each point represents a different survey. If you want to see the results and the timeline of a specific survey, search for it and go to "View results".

The left vertical axis shows the answer options, while the horizontal axis shows the 12 months of the year; each month is calculated with the arithmetic average of all consultations made that month per employee.

To visualise the average satisfaction and average participation, the year selector allows you to view previous years.