Can I find out who is working in real time?
Yes, you can! To find out who is working, follow this route:
Clock ins/outs >> Who’s in
Who’s in is an overall image of what is going on in your company in real time. It shows the users that are working, the ones who aren’t and those who are on a break. To find specific information you can filter by workplace, department, user role and/or activity.
These are the statuses that you can check on your company’s Who’s in:
- Working: employees that have already clocked in their arrival to the office.
- Holidays: employees enjoying their days off.
- Working remotely: employees who have clocked in and are working remotely.
- Absences: employees authorized to be absent.
- Break: employees that are taking a break.
- Out: employees that have already clocked out or have not clocked in and are not authorized to be absent or on holidays.
- Timeline: tool to view clock ins/outs in chronological order.