Instructions for a correct import of employees by bulk load
Here we propose some recommendations to ensure you don't have any problems importing your employees' data in bulk to Sesame.

1. Employee data
To create and update employee data correctly through the bulk load, make sure that the fields comply with the following requirements:
Kepp in mind that the update code cannot be edited.
- Update code: This code will appear in the employee update template, not in the creation template. This code is unique to each employee and will allow us to update each one correctly whenever modifications are made using the import template. It cannot be edited or changed, as any alteration will generate errors in the upload.
- Name: Required field
- Last name: Required field
- ID Type: Select an option from the dropdown menu. If you enter a value that does not match any of the options, this will cause an error. If the options do not comply with the same format as shown in the dropdown (capital letters, accents,...), It will also generate problems in the import.
- ID number: Enter a real ID number.
- Birthday: The correct format for birthday is YYYYY-MM-DD. We recommend you include a single quotation mark (') at the beginning of the date to avoid it being formatted, e.g. '2000-01-01
- Gender: Select an option from the dropdown menu. If you enter a value that does not match any of the options, this will cause an error. If the options do not comply with the same format as shown in the dropdown (capital letters, accents,...), It will also generate problems in the import.
- Nationality: Select an option from the dropdown menu. If you enter a value that does not match any of the options, this will cause an error. If the options do not comply with the same format as shown in the dropdown (capital letters, accents,...), It will also generate problems in the import.
- Number of children: If the employee doesn't have children, this field must be empty. The value "0" is not allowed.
- Degree of disability: If the employee doesn't have a disability, the field must be empty. The value "0%" (zero) is not allowed.
- Country: Select an option from the dropdown menu. If you enter a value that does not match any of the options, this will cause an error. If the options do not comply with the same format as shown in the dropdown (capital letters, accents,...), It will also generate problems in the import.
- Position in the company: Select an option from the dropdown menu. If you enter a value that does not match any of the options, this will cause an error. If the options do not comply with the same format as shown in the dropdown (capital letters, accents,...), It will also generate problems in the import.
- Validators fields: People included in these fields must have a higher role previously assigned to them in Sesame.

If the validator's profile has not been created yet, create it and assign it a role. You can fill in this field later by downloading the "Template with data" and reloading it to update the profiles.
- Workplaces: These must be created previously in Sesame. To assign workplaces it is necessary to add them without spaces and followed by a ";" (semicolon).
- Departments: These must be created previously in Sesame. To assign workplaces it is necessary to add them without spaces and followed by a ";" (semicolon).
- Access code: Enter an access code for all of your employees.
- PIN: The PIN must be a combination of 4 numerical digits. Alphanumeric combinations, symbols, or numbers longer than 4 digits are not allowed.
You should note that:
- It is not possible to assign roles from this template.
- In seniority holidays configuration, each employee's holiday days are automatically calculated.
2. Contract data
To create and update contract data correctly through the bulk load, make sure that the fields comply with the following requirements:
- Code: It cannot be modified. If it is modified, this will cause loading problems.
- Name: It cannot be modified. If it is modified, this will cause loading problems and duplication.
- Last name: It cannot be modified. If it is modified, this will cause loading problems and duplication.
- ID Type: It cannot be modified. If it is modified, this will cause loading problems and duplication.
- ID number: It cannot be modified. If it is modified, this will cause loading problems and duplication.
- Current contract: Select an option from the dropdown menu. If the options do not comply with the same format as shown in the dropdown (capital letters, accents,...), It will also generate problems in the import.

3. Custom fields
To create and update custom fields correctly through the bulk load, make sure that the fields comply with the following requirements:
- Code: It cannot be modified. If it is modified, this will cause loading problems.
- Name: It cannot be modified. If it is modified, this will cause loading problems and duplication.
- Last name: It cannot be modified. If it is modified, this will cause loading problems and duplication.
- ID Type: It cannot be modified. If it is modified, this will cause loading problems and duplication.
- ID number: It cannot be modified. If it is modified, this will cause loading problems and duplication.
- Dropdown custom fields: Select an option from the dropdown menu. If the options do not comply with the same format as shown in the dropdown (capital letters, accents, etc.), it will also generate problems in the import.