How can I configure my Sesame profile?

Plans: Time, Advanced, HR Starter, HR Professional and HR Enterprise. 

Both the web and the app will have a section called "Profile", from there you can check your basic data. But keep in mind that from the app all changes to see are more limited. If you want to review the complete information as well as modify it, you must access from the web.

Una vez accedas, comprobarás que está dividido en varios apartados:

  • Personal data: Name, surname, ID, nationality, email, phone number, etc.
  • Employment data: Contract code, position in the company, department, who are your managers, etc.
  • Additional Data: Additional data out of the previous fields.
  • Accesses: Here you can access the code to clock in/out from the tablet, the email linked to your Sesame account and the option to change your password. 
  • Questionnaires (only if you have the Evaluations module enabled (HR version)): All the questionnaries you have answered will be collected. 
  • Training and Skills (Only if you have HR account): All information about your trainings, education, languages, knowledge and skills will be included here.